

Pastoral Council

The pastoral council is the highest consultative body in the parish.  Its members work closely with the pastor to plan, organize, monitor and evaluate the pastoral programs and activities of the parish. Current members are Mike Bauer, Marsha Caliendo, Christina Campos, Delfina Martinez, Jessie Renteria, Hugo Saltijeral, Pat Szweda, and Lori Turner.


Small Faith Groups

Gathering in faith to study the Scripture and pray together is an amazing way to grow close to God. If you would like to get connected to a group, please contact the parish office.


Knights of Columbus

The mission of the Knights of Columbus is to provide members with fraternity and opportunities to serve the Catholic Church, their community, and young people. To see recent and upcoming activities and how to get involved, please see their website.

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Respect Life

Respect Life Program is a nationwide effort to help Catholics understand, value, and become engaged with building a culture that cherishes every human life. For more information, contact Linda Higgs through the parish office.

St. Vincent dePaul Society

 The St. Vincent dePaul Society puts a face on charity. They visit with those in need to clarify their needs and then seek to help in whatever ways they can. To inquire about volunteering, contact Darlene Jungels through the parish office.

Guadalupana Society

Our mission is to promote devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the Americas. This is accomplished by way of daily prayer and meditation of the Holy Rosary, evangelization and practicing charity and love through apostolic works. We promote the celebration of our Lady on her feast day, December 12th, and throughout the year. To join, call the parish office.


Buildings and Grounds

Our Mission is to keep God’s house ready for His work through us. We do this by providing a safe and clean environment, improving the church’s buildings and property, and maintaining the facility. To join, please contact the parish office.

 Communion to the Homebound

Each week, ministers bring Communion to and visit with over 20 of our elderly parishioners. If you would like to volunteer for this ministry of compassion, please contact the parish office.

Hesed House

If you are interested in volunteering or preparing meals at our local homeless shelter, please contact Hugo Saltijeral through the parish office.


Eucharistic Ministers

We are a group of lay people who assist the priest in administering the Sacrament of Holy Communion; the consecrated bread and wine. We also take the sacraments to those who are ill or otherwise unable to attend Mass. For more information, or to join, contact Jody Watermann.


The lectors are a group of devoted volunteers who proclaim the Scripture readings at the weekend and weekday Masses. Training is given so that volunteers are prepared to effectively proclaim the Word of God. To join, call the parish office. To view schedules, click here.

Altar Servers

Servers are an important part of the liturgy. They assist the priest during the Holy Mass by taking part in the procession and aiding the priest at the altar. If you are at least 4th grade and interested in serving, contact Jody Watermann through the Parish Office.

Music Ministry

Our Music Ministry at St. Joseph includes the Adult Choir, Children’s Choir, Ensemble, Funeral Choir, and cantors. We seek to glorify God through singing His praises at Sunday Masses and special liturgies. To get involved in Music Ministry or to request more information, please contact Anna Ward and Bridget Butler or the Parish Office.


Legion of Mary

The Legion's principal apostolate is to engage in activities that encourage Catholics and non-Catholics to grow in their faith or invite them to become Catholic. This is normally accomplished by encouraging them to pray, attend Mass, and study the Catholic faith. To join, call the parish office.